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Natural Gas Theft

Meter tampering and natural gas theft is a crime

Not only is natural gas theft illegal, it is also a safety risk. Piedmont Natural Gas is committed to protecting our customers and takes natural gas theft seriously.

Piedmont Natural Gas may prosecute any and all persons liable for or benefiting from any unauthorized natural gas activities. In addition to potential criminal prosecution, natural gas thieves may face the following penalties:

  • The cost of the estimated stolen natural gas, multiplied by three
  • The cost to repair damaged Piedmont Natural Gas facilities
  • Criminal charges, up to and including felony charges
  • Denial of future services

What to look for

  • Any individual other than a Piedmont employee or authorized contractor working around our meter. Watch this video on how to recognize a Piedmont employee.
  • Any individual other than a Piedmont employee who approaches you offering to connect your service.
  • Fliers advertising connection of service that do not come from Piedmont.
  • Odor of natural gas. Learn more on how to recognize the odor of natural gas.

How can I report natural gas theft?

It is everyone’s responsibility to report suspicious activity when it comes to natural gas theft. If you observe suspicious activities around a natural gas meter, piping or equipment or notice evidence of meter tampering, please report it to Piedmont anonymously by calling Customer Service at 800.752.7504.