Customer Bill of Rights
The North Carolina Utilities Commission has prepared this statement and is making it available to you. The Commission wants customers of natural gas companies to know their rights and whom to contact for help when they have questions or problems. This statement is prepared for residential customers of natural gas companies regulated by the North Carolina Utilities Commission.
Be an informed customer – Know Your Rights
- As a general rule, you have the right to establish natural gas service if you satisfactorily establish your credit, you provide the gas company with necessary and reasonable access to your property, and there is already natural gas service in your area. If there are no natural gas mains near your home, you may or may not have the right to have mains extended to serve you. If mains are extended to serve you, you may be required to pay part of the cost of the extension. If you have a question about your right to natural gas service, you should contact the gas company serving your part of the state.
- You have the right to establish your credit in any one of five ways: (1) You may show that you own land within the county (however, if you are an unsatisfactory credit risk, you cannot establish your credit in this way and you must establish your credit in one of the other four ways); (2) you may provide acceptable credit references; (3) you may show that you have been a residential customer of the same gas company within the last 24 months and have established a good payment record over the last 12 months that service was provided; (4) you may provide a satisfactory person to guarantee payment of your bills up to a certain amount if you do not pay them; or (5) you may make a cash deposit with the company. You have the right to have all means of establishing credit explained to you by the gas company’s personnel. If you have a problem establishing credit with the company, you have the right to seek help from the Consumer Services Division of the Public Staff and the right to review by the Commission, as explained in the paragraphs 13 and 14 below.
- If you make a cash deposit with the gas company in order to establish your credit, you have the right to have the deposit returned to you (plus interest at eight percent if the deposit is held more than 90 days) if you later establish credit by other means, if you pay your bills promptly for a year, or if you discontinue service with the gas company.
- After the billing date shown on your gas bill, you have the right to 25 days to pay the bill before it will be considered past due.
- You have the right to be given written notice at least 10 days before your gas service can be cut off for your failure to pay your gas bills. This notice must explain the reason why the gas company plans to cut off service, state the date on which the company proposes to cut service and explain what you can do to keep the service from being cut off.
- You have the right to name someone else to receive a copy of any cut-off notice sent to you. This other person may be able to help you avoid having your gas service cut off, but he is not obligated to pay your bills for you.
- You have the right to notify the gas company if there is someone in your household who is either chronically or seriously ill, handicapped or on a life support system and, in that case you have the right to careful handling of your account should service become subject to being cut off for your failure to pay your gas bills.
- If the gas company plans to cut off your gas service because you have not paid your gas bills and if you can show that you are unable to pay your account in full at once, you have the right to make installment payments designed to pay your account in full within six months. If you cannot pay your account by installments, the company cannot cut off your service during the winter (between November 1 and March 31) without approval of the Utilities Commission if there is someone elderly (65 years of age or older) or handicapped in your household and if you are eligible to receive energy assistance from the local social services department.
- As a general rule, the company cannot cut off your gas service after 4:00 p.m. on a Friday or on a weekend or a holiday. Whenever the gas company plans to cut off your service, you have the right to seek help from the Consumer Services Division of the Public Staff and, if they cannot help you, the right to file a complaint with the Utilities Commission.
- If you suspect a malfunction, you have the right to have the gas company test your gas meter for accuracy once during an 18-month period, without charge, and to have a report of the test results given to you.
- You have the right to have the gas company help you in selecting the most economical rate schedule, inform you as to how your gas meter is read, and furnish additional reasonable information.
- You have the right to have any questions or complaints considered by your gas company. The company may not agree with you, but you have the right to prompt and courteous treatment by the company.
- If you need help with a complaint against your company that you cannot resolve by dealing with the company on your own, you have the right to call on the Consumer Services Division of the Public Staff. The Public Staff is a state agency created to investigate complaints affecting the using and consuming public and to represent the public in proceedings before the Utilities Commission. The Consumer Services Division of the Public Staff will work with you and the company in an effort to resolve your complaint informally. The Consumer Services Division office is in Raleigh, and its telephone number is 919.733.9277.
If you cannot resolve your complaint by working with the gas company or with the Consumer Services Division of the Public Staff, you have the right to file a formal complaint against the company with the Utilities Commission. You do not need a lawyer to do this. To file a formal complaint, you should set out in writing your name and address, the name of the gas company, a clear and concise statement of your complaint, and what you want the Utilities Commission to do about your complaint. The complaint should be mailed to the North Carolina Utilities Commission, Post Office Box 29510, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0510. The Commission will send a copy of your complaint to the gas company. The company will either satisfy your complaint or file an answer with the Utilities Commission. If the company does not satisfy your complaint and if you want a hearing, the Commission will schedule a public hearing, unless it determines that no reasonable ground exists for a hearing. At the hearing, both you and the company can present testimony. The Public Staff may provide a lawyer to help you present your testimony. After hearing the testimony, the Commission will make a decision and enter an order dealing with your complaint.
This statement gives you a summary of your rights as a residential customer of a natural gas company regulated by the Utilities Commission. More detailed provisions are set out in the law, Commission rules and the tariffs of the companies. The Utilities Commission wants to inform you of your rights as a consumer and wants you to understand the responsibilities of the natural gas companies and to call upon the Public Staff or the Utilities Commission for help.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff (“ORS”) and Public Service Commission of South Carolina (“PSC”) want customers of natural gas utility companies to know their rights and responsibilities and whom to contact for assistance with questions or problems regarding regulated natural gas service. Regulated natural gas utilities include South Carolina Electric & Gas Company and Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.
Be an informed customer – Know Your Rights
- As a general rule, you have the right to establish natural gas service where available if you meet the following requirements: a) provide satisfactory identification and credit worthiness, b) provide necessary and reasonable access to your property, c) your utilization of the natural gas service does not pose a hazardous or dangerous condition, and d) there is already natural gas service in your area. If there are no natural gas lines near your home, you may or may not have the right to have the lines extended to serve you. If the lines are extended to serve you, you may be required to pay part of the cost of the extension. If you have any questions about your right to natural gas service, you should contact the natural gas company serving your area.
- You have the right to establish natural gas service if you satisfactorily establish your identity and credit and neither you nor any member of your household is indebted to the natural gas utility. You may be required to pay a deposit if any one of the following conditions exist: a) you have had two (2) consecutive 30-day arrears in the past twenty-four (24) months or more than two (2) non-consecutive 30-day arrears in the past twenty-four (24) months; b) you cannot furnish either an acceptable co-signer or guarantor, who is a customer of the same natural gas utility with good credit, within the State of South Carolina, to guarantee payment of unpaid bills up to the amount of the maximum deposit; c) your natural gas service has been terminated for non-payment or fraudulent use; or d) the utility determines, through use of commercially acceptable methods, that your credit and financial condition warrants a deposit. You have the right to have all conditions of obtaining service explained to you by the utility’s personnel.
- If you are required to make a deposit, the maximum amount cannot exceed an amount equal to an estimated two (2) months (60 days) billing for a new customer or for an existing customer an amount equal to the total actual bills of the highest two (2) consecutive months based on the experience of the preceding twelve (12) months or for a portion of the year if the service is on a seasonal basis for an existing customer.
- If you make a deposit with the utility, you have the right to have the deposit returned after two (2) years unless you have had two (2) consecutive 30-day arrears in the past twenty-four (24) months or more than two (2) non-consecutive 30-day arrears in the past twenty-four (24) months or your service has been terminated for nonpayment or fraudulent use or you discontinue service with the natural gas utility. Deposits held longer than six (6) months accrue interest at a rate prescribed by the PSC.
- You have the right to avoid late payment fees if you pay your bill within twenty-five (25) days of the billing date shown on your natural gas bill for current monthly charges. A maximum of one and one-half percent (1½%) may be added to any unpaid balance not paid within twenty-five (25) days of the billing date to cover the cost of collection and carrying accounts in arrears.
- You have the right to written notice from your natural gas utility before your natural gas service is disconnected for non-payment. The notice will include information to contact the utility, the total amount owed, the date and amount of the last payment, and the date for payment or satisfactory payment arrangements for payment by installments.
- You have the right to designate a third party (such as a friend, relative, or organization) who is willing to receive a copy of your service disconnection notice. This party may be able to help you arrange for payment to prevent having your service disconnected but is not obligated to pay your bill.
- You have the right to defer service disconnection during the months of December through March by providing an authorized medical certificate to the natural gas utility at least three (3) days prior to service disconnection or to the utility’s disconnection crew at the time of disconnection. The medical certificate application provided by the natural gas utility must be signed by a licensed physician stating that disconnection of service would be especially dangerous to your health or the health of a member of your household. The certificate must be signed by you stating that you are unable to pay by installments the amount of the charges due for your natural gas service. A certificate shall expire on the 31st day from the date of execution by the physician. Such certification may be renewed no more than three (3) times for an additional thirty (30) day period each. (You have the responsibility to make a good faith effort to make payments for natural gas service rendered during the period of time covered by the medical certificate to prevent possible disconnection when the certificate expires. The medical certificate does not relieve you of your obligation to pay for natural gas service.)
- You have the right, prior to a scheduled disconnection of your service, to arrange with the natural gas utility for a deferred payment plan to make payment by installments if you can show that you are unable to pay the amount due. In this deferred payment plan, you must pay, in full, the installment payment and the current month’s charges by the past due date. This deferred payment plan will require installment payments of not less than 1/6 of the arrears balance for a period not to exceed six (6) months. You are not eligible for another deferred payment plan if you currently are under a deferred payment plan. The utility may terminate service if you fail to meet the terms and conditions of such deferred payment plan.
- If the natural gas utility has overcharged you as a result of a misapplied schedule, an error in reading the meter, a skipped meter reading, or any other human or machine error, you have the right to a credit or refund of the excess amount paid, not to exceed the applicable statute of limitations.
- If the natural gas utility has undercharged you for any reason other than customer fraud or theft, you have the right to pay in equal installments the deficient amount resulting from the natural gas utility undercharging you. Undercharges not resulting from customer fraud or theft could occur as a result of a misapplied schedule, an error in reading the meter, a skipped meter reading, or any other human or machine error. The equal installment amount shall be added to the bill over the same number of billing periods during which you were undercharged.
- You have the right to have the natural gas utility test the accuracy of the meter serving your residence if you suspect a malfunction. This test will be conducted, without charge, if requested more than twelve (12) months from the date of the meter installation or from the last date the meter was tested for accuracy. You have the right to be present or to appoint a representative to be present when the natural gas utility tests the meter. You have the right to be furnished with the results of the meter test. If an overcharge or undercharge occurred as a result of a fast or slow meter with an error in registration of more than two percent (2%), the bills will be increased or decreased accordingly for a period up to six (6) months.
- You have the right, upon request, to receive assistance from the natural gas utility in selecting the most economical rate schedule applicable, information about the method of reading meters, and billing procedures.
- You have the right to contact the natural gas utility at all hours in case of emergency or unscheduled interruptions in your natural gas service.
- You have the right to have complaints promptly and thoroughly investigated by the natural gas utility.
- You have the right, upon request, to review the written procedures the natural gas utility has established for service termination due to nonpayment for special needs account customers and for all residential customers during extreme hot or cold weather conditions. All gas utilities shall publish their procedures for termination of service on their websites.
- If you need assistance with a complaint against your natural gas utility that you cannot resolve by dealing with the utility on your own, you have the right to call the ORS’s Consumer Services Department. The Consumer Services Department will work with you and the natural gas utility in an effort to resolve your complaint. The ORS is located in Columbia and can be reached by calling toll free 800.922.1531 or local 803.737.5230 or online at
If you are unable to resolve your complaint by working with the natural gas utility or with the ORS’s Consumer Services Department, you have the right to file a formal complaint with the PSC and request a hearing. To file a complaint with the PSC, you should complete the PSC complaint form. This form is available at and can be completed and submitted online. You may also request a copy of the complaint form, including instructions for completing the form, by contacting the PSC at 803.896.5100. If you choose to file a paper copy of your complaint with the PSC, submit it by: a) hand delivering it to 101 Executive Center Drive, Columbia, South Carolina; b) mailing it to Post Office Drawer 11649, Columbia, South Carolina 29211; or c) faxing it to 803.896.5199.
The ORS and the PSC want to inform you of your rights and responsibilities as a consumer and the responsibilities of your natural gas utility. This statement provides you a summary of your rights as a customer of a regulated natural gas utility. Not all services provided by the natural gas utility are regulated. More detailed provisions are set out in law, commission rules and regulations, and the tariffs of the natural gas utility.
This document is an explanation of your responsibilities and rights as a Piedmont Natural Gas (Piedmont) customer in Tennessee. The Tennessee Regulatory Authority (TRA) has authorized these procedures to ensure customers are treated fairly and are well advised. If a problem with your natural gas service or bill arises, please contact Piedmont as soon as possible. The information below relates to disconnection of service for nonpayment of a deposit or a delinquent account and natural gas safety.
Reasons for Discontinuing Service
The TRA has authorized Piedmont to discontinue or refuse to supply natural gas service on the following terms:
Without Notice
- If Piedmont finds that a hazard exists
- If a customer’s use of equipment adversely affects Piedmont’s service
- If there is evidence of tampering with Piedmont’s equipment or unauthorized use of natural gas
With Notice
- If a customer violates or fails to comply with Piedmont rules and regulations on gas supply
- If a customer fails to fulfill obligations for service, subject to TRA regulations
- If a customer fails to provide reasonable access to Piedmont’s equipment
- If a customer has not paid a delinquent account
- If a customer fails to pay a deposit when required
Paying Your Bill
Each month, pay the NET AMOUNT by the DUE DATE shown on the bill. After the due date, pay the GROSS AMOUNT, which is 5 percent higher than the NET AMOUNT.
Disconnection of Service
If your bill is past due or you do not pay a required deposit, Piedmont will:
- Mail you a written notice that gas service will be disconnected unless the past due balance is paid before the expiration date shown on the notice. The expiration date is seven days after Piedmont sends the notice
- Disconnect service if the bill is not paid by the due date
Third-Party Notification
At your request, Piedmont will send a copy of a disconnection notice to a designee of your choice. This service helps prevent disconnection by alerting your designated third party of a possible problem. You are still responsible for paying your bill. If you would like more information on third-party notification, please visit or call us at 800.752.7504.
Medical Emergencies
Piedmont will delay disconnection of natural gas service for 30 days if a physician, public health officer or social service official certifies in writing that discontinuing natural gas service will worsen an existing medical emergency for you or another permanent resident of the premises where services are rendered. Please contact us for information on requesting a 30-day medical extension. A prompt request is important.
Life-support Devices
Piedmont will not disconnect service at an address if you have natural gas appliances that are critical to maintaining the health of one or more residents. Please visit or contact us for full information on criteria used to determine whether a natural gas appliance is considered a life-support device.
If you have additional questions, please contact us or the TRA. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.
Reinstating Service
If natural gas service is disconnected for nonpayment, service will be restored if you:
- Pay the total amount past due
- Pay a reconnection charge
- Pay a deposit
Responsibilities and Rights
You are responsible for:
- Paying your bill by the due date
- Letting us know, before we disconnect your service, if you cannot pay your natural gas bill
- Telling us if your household contains natural gas appliances that are critical to the health of a household member
You have the right to:
- Seek help paying your natural gas bill. The community agencies you contact will determine if you are eligible for low income energy assistance. Our customer representatives can provide information about community resources or you can call the agencies directly
- Dickson County, call the Highland Rim Economic Corporation at 931.289.4101
- Davidson County, call the Metropolitan Action Commission at 615.862.8860
- Other Tennessee counties served by Piedmont Natural Gas, call the Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency at 615.742.1113 or 615.453.2243
- Ask us about alternative payment arrangements, if you are temporarily unable to pay your natural gas bill. Under the terms of the agreement, you give up your right to dispute the amount due under the agreement. If you do not fulfill the terms of the agreement, we may disconnect your natural gas service without offering you a new payment agreement
- Question whether a monthly bill is correct. If warranted, we will adjust your bill
If you feel your bill is incorrect:
- Please visit or call 800.752.7504 immediately. If you do not question one month’s bill within 15 days of the bill date, we will conclude that your bill is correct
- If you feel a disconnection notice is in error, please use the Analyze Your Bill tool at and notify us through that address, or call us at 800.752.7504
- Contact the Tennessee Regulatory Authority’s Complaint Division, 502 Deaderick Street, 4th Floor, Nashville, Tennessee 37243 (800.342.8359) to appeal an unfavorable decision. Contact the TRA before the net due date if you are disputing a disconnection notice. We will not disconnect service for nonpayment of the disputed portion of a bill while it is being reviewed. Your right to appeal will not expire if delay on our part makes it impossible to contact the TRA within the required time period. You have the right to suspend payment of the disputed portion of a bill while the dispute procedures mentioned above are in progress