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Our Foundation

Our Foundation

The Piedmont Natural Gas Foundation is part of the Duke Energy Foundation. Together, we continue to power the vitality of the communities we serve by building vibrant economies, strengthening climate resiliency, and promoting opportunity and inclusion.

We accept grant applications for $20,000 and less throughout the year on a rolling basis for the focus areas described below.

Vibrant Economies

  • Workforce development training for jobs vital to the energy economy
  • Community revitalization and local economic development efforts
  • Economic recovery for customers and communities facing unprecedented challenges
  • Energy and engineering education for K-12 students and teachers

Climate Resiliency

  • Environmental projects supporting land conservation, clean water, and biodiversity of plant and animal species
  • Resiliency projects that prepare communities for and mitigate against the effects of climate change
  • Natural disaster preparedness and response programming
  • Projects strengthening thriving natural environments, including access to green space, in historically underserved communities

Opportunity and Inclusion

  • Programs supporting a just transition for communities moving toward cleaner energy infrastructure
  • Initiatives supporting upward mobility for families and individuals in the communities we serve
  • Programs reducing structural barriers and promoting access to opportunity for underserved communities

Application Process

Local impact grants are grants up to $20,000 that focus on programs aligned with vibrant economies, climate resiliency, and opportunity and inclusion.

Our local impact grants are open year-round.

The majority of Piedmont’s grantmaking is made at the $20,000 or below level. If you have a question about your program and its alignment with our focus areas, email


To qualify for grant funding consideration, your organization must meet the following criteria:

  • Have current tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, be a governmental entity, including school systems.
    • Governmental entities will need to submit a W9
  • Serve communities that are also served by Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas.
  • Serve communities without discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, creed, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation or national origin.
  • Have a method by which to measure, track and report one or more program outcomes and specific results that demonstrate measurable community impact.


Foundation grant support is not available for:

  • Churches or evangelical organizations.
  • Private foundations (including private operating foundations).
  • Foreign organizations.
  • For-profit organizations.
  • Individuals.
  • Organizations with a substantial purpose of influencing any political, legislative or regulatory cause, including 501(c)(4), 501(c)(6) or similar organizations.
  • Nonprofit organizations that are not tax-exempt under Code section 501(a).
  • Fraternal, veteran or labor membership organizations serving only the members of that organization.
  • Organizations offering or providing either Duke Energy Corporation, the Duke Energy Foundation, or their respective officers or employees any benefit from the grant.
  • Nonprofit organizations that are opposing or intervening parties (or that fund any such parties) in any proceeding in which Duke Energy is a party, or that fund or produce negative advertisements against Duke Energy, or actively oppose Duke Energy on social media.

The Foundation does not fund grants for programs and projects associated with, but not limited to, the following:

  • Individual K-12 schools or organizations that operate within an individual school. We will consider school grants at the district level.
  • Sports teams or events.
  • Religious programs, projects or activities.
  • Direct cost reduction for electric or gas service provided by Duke Energy.
  • External fundraising campaigns or events.
  • General operating expenses.
  • Capital investments and improvements.
  • Endowments or other foundations.
  • Multiple grants to the same institution in a calendar year.
  • The purchase or installation of any solar panel projects that connect to the electric grid.
  • General support for emergency preparedness equipment. Our regular funding focuses on preparedness and response programs. However, Duke Energy Foundation will occasionally consider support of emergency preparedness equipment as part of prescriptive request for proposal (RFP) opportunities and not part of our open grants process.