Visit the Business Customer Service page for business support.

Report a natural gas emergency

If you have reason to suspect a gas leak, evacuate the area and call us at 800.752.7504 or 911.

(En español)


If you suspect a gas leak please call us at 800.752.7504.

Contact Us

We're here to help. Choose how you'd prefer to contact us.

  • Send us an email

    Need to share a concern with us? Simply complete and submit our secure online form.

    If you have reason to suspect a gas leak, evacuate the area and call us at 800.752.7504.

    Please allow 24-48 hours for a response. If you need immediate assistance, please call us.

  • Give us a call

    Customer Service representatives are available by phone Monday – Friday 7:30 am to 7pm EST.

    Customer Service

    Home & Business – 800.752.7504
    Hearing or Speech Impaired – 711
    (TTY or TDD Relay Service)
    Identity Protection/Fraud Alerts 800.752.7504 or fax 877.525.2880

    More Phone Numbers

    Sales – 877.279.3636 
    Media Contacts – 877.348.3612
    Investor Relations – 800.488.3853
  • Mailing addresses

    Mail Payments

    Piedmont Natural Gas
    P.O. Box 1246
    Charlotte, NC 28201-1246

    For overnight payments, mail to:

    10101 Claude Freeman Drive
    Suite 225 N
    Charlotte, NC 28262

    Note: Overnight payments may be mailed via United States Postal Service (USPS), FedEx and UPS.

    Corporate Office

    Piedmont Natural Gas
    4720 Piedmont Row Drive
    Charlotte, NC 28210

    P.O. Box 33068
    Charlotte, NC 28233