Cookin’ With Gas Winter Recipe

Cookin’ With Gas Winter Recipe
Piedmont’s Chef Garrett Hibiske is at it again, cooking fresh, seasonal recipes to perfection using natural gas appliances. Join him as he roasts a delectable meal of roasted chicken with rosemary acorn squash.
Roasted Whole Chicken with Rosemary Acorn Squash
- 1 - Whole Chicken
- 32 oz water
- ½ cup packed brown sugar
- ¼ cup kosher salt
- 1 Tbls – ground black pepper
- 4 cloves – chopped fresh garlic
Acorn Squash:
- 1 – Acorn Squash
- 2 Tbls butter
- 2 cloves – chopped garlic
- 1 tsp sea salt
Place all ingredients for the brine in a food service storage container. Add the whole chicken and submerge. Cover and leave in brine refrigerated for 24-36 hours.
In a baking dish place the whole chicken breast side up. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Roast chicken in oven till the internal thigh portion reaches 170 degrees.
Cut the Acorn squash in half and clean out any seeds. Place cut side up on a baking pan and drizzle with melted butter. Cover with the chopped garlic and sea salt. Place a sprig of fresh rosemary on each half of the squash. Cook squash for about 50 minutes or until fork tender.
Serve roasted chicken and squash together. Keep with cooking liquid from the chicken and drizzle over carved meat.